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About msh

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  1. Not really sure, think it's just me going to Players. The others aren't up to anything just looking after their children so don't want to drag them to Players.
  2. Yeah I joined when me and boodle were doing his corrado. Are you going to players this weekend?
  3. Another VERY clean car mate, really sweet... should look good with a little drop on a nice set of wheels
  4. Yeah sorry about that been in rehab ;) i'm all better now i've spoken to frank :) will get some pics up for the rest of you asap
  5. cheers for the help on my car... Hopefully start work on yours again soon! really lookin forward to seeing this through :)
  6. just drive with your windows down :lol:
  7. More bits to take apart... That's the best bit! We will have to pop in and see it this week, get some photos and pick up your sun visors to trim. Another two months then my turn and we go through it all again, I think after this i'm going to put myself in an assylum!!! :crazyeyes: :lol:
  8. That's ok glad to help. I hope you can remember how it goes back together? Not sure i can! It's gonna be wierd finally putting bits back together, but can't wait to get it finished! I'm sure you said that you were meant to be done and driving into work next week!!! :wink: :lol:
  9. msh

    scuttle tray removal

    another bit to remove! there can't be much left to take off! when are we gonna start putting things back on? :) :wink:
  10. No worries it's been a laugh! looking to putting it back together maybe then we can start mine! Nice R5 is that your dog in the background :lol:
  11. alright mate, thought i'd try and put these up for ya. don't know if they're any better and what's this all about???
  12. the vr looks schweet, nice stance! and the daily looks good, nice stencilling :norty:
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