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Matt Monzablue

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About Matt Monzablue

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/12/1974


  • Location
    Derby...under INKYS G60...


  • Occupation
    see location...
  1. Sounds a good find...spot on about about G60s too! ( :roll: hope the missus doesnt see this!)
  2. recenty started getting issues with the gears sticking on the Raddo - especially going in to 2nd (almost Mk2 Golf crunchy :) ) and when trying to get it out of 5th - seems to be at random times but the missus says it worse than cold - the cluch bitting point seems normal - any ideas?
  3. There's this excellent German Golf site (with amusing English translations!) http://www.doppel-wobber.de/ Theres quite a decent Midland VW club Old's-Kool-Vubbers - http://vdubs.proboards15.com/index.cgi
  4. I definately agree engine decisions by VW are rubbish - they always seem to hold back - why did'nt they release the G6016V as a Raddo engine? Why did they chicken out on the Schrick cam on the VR6?(VW were very close to doing this) I think cost was is poor reasoning when turning an average engine to someting class leading - From a performace perspective I can see why people go Jap - for the exact opposite reasons...
  5. I have to admit to being a VW addict - I've just got rid of my only recent non VAG car (E34 BMW 535) in just under a year for no other reason than I don't like it! The other half has the G60 Raddo and I replaced the BMW with a Passat VR6 and even though its slower, etc (In fact worse in most respects!)I'm so much happier with it!...(plus I means I can afford get my MK2 16v Golf roadworthy again.) The main problem with the VW scene is it is seen from the outside with a kind of snobbery - like VW are superior cars but most people into dubs don't actually think like that at all - I think theres a mixture of attractions like styling, drivabilty, ease of repair and general a large community of support that comes with it - personally I just like the overall experience of 70-80s VWs but I can't really expain why!
  6. Thats one hot car...got to admit I actually like to 2 tone scheme! I totally agree with the Top Gear Concorde comparison. Would love to see one as technological masterpieces are rare these days, sadly :(
  7. ^^^^^^^ I think I started off like that and look at me now - skint with a half-repaired rado but very happy! :D The best advice for your siblings - you can have a nice house, holidays and eat out lots...or you can own a Corrado
  8. Good Luck Mate, good to see one being saved and not broken... was nearly in the same position the other week when some local scrap man offered me a 16V Raddo for £170! I hadn't the cash or space for it other wise I would have snapped his hand off...I would of stuck a post on the forum for someone else if he wasn't dragging it off to destruction stright away... :( got to admit I directed him to CMS (a good VW breakers Derby)so at least some valuable Raddo parts would be saved :D
  9. Got to admit I didn't think I'd have to hide the car keys yet! - I'm now worried she'll do a Top Gear style road test through next doors fence! :lol:
  10. My daughter seriously worried me today - She is getting quite intrested in learning different car makes and models and tonight I was passing a nice Scirocco and happened to say to my 5 year old - ' hey, thats a Scirocco made by the same people who made Corrados'...she responds 'so it came from Karmann then Daddy' I have to admit I was shocked! - Am I bad influence or should I let the VW adiction flow!?!
  11. he forgot to log out so this is from inky
  12. thanks for all replies...think will just put them on the Passat!!!
  13. Definately agree about getting it checked - I had some ignorant T*@t in a BMW (suprise) reverse into the back of me once - got an slight huff and 'oh no harm done' from him as there wasn't much to see(I pretty much agreed after a few choice words) - latter I checked underneath and found the bumper mountings were twisted... I just think people don't see our cars as we do - to them it just an old car and doesn't deserve to be a respected piece of someone elses property and its well annoying!!! :mad:
  14. I was quite amused at first when I heard this as the company I work speeds approx £1m+ a year on an (elegedy state-of-the-art)system on trackers for its engineers -approx half don't ever work and at least 2 engineers have been stuck in the Atlantic ocean for approx 2 years acording to the tracker...not bad considering they only drive Nissan Nivaros! (and only in the Midlands) - what would you be charged for sea usage?? ...the whole things a joke and needs fighting at any chance
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