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Matt Monzablue

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Posts posted by Matt Monzablue

  1. recenty started getting issues with the gears sticking on the Raddo - especially going in to 2nd (almost Mk2 Golf crunchy :) ) and when trying to get it out of 5th - seems to be at random times but the missus says it worse than cold - the cluch bitting point seems normal - any ideas?

  2. I definately agree engine decisions by VW are rubbish - they always seem to hold back - why did'nt they release the G6016V as a Raddo engine? Why did they chicken out on the Schrick cam on the VR6?(VW were very close to doing this) I think cost was is poor reasoning when turning an average engine to someting class leading - From a performace perspective I can see why people go Jap - for the exact opposite reasons...

  3. I have to admit to being a VW addict - I've just got rid of my only recent non VAG car (E34 BMW 535) in just under a year for no other reason than I don't like it! The other half has the G60 Raddo and I replaced the BMW with a Passat VR6 and even though its slower, etc (In fact worse in most respects!)I'm so much happier with it!...(plus I means I can afford get my MK2 16v Golf roadworthy again.)

    The main problem with the VW scene is it is seen from the outside with a kind of snobbery - like VW are superior cars but most people into dubs don't actually think like that at all - I think theres a mixture of attractions like styling, drivabilty, ease of repair and general a large community of support that comes with it - personally I just like the overall experience of 70-80s VWs but I can't really expain why!

  4. Although you could be potentially setting her up for the poor house later on in life :lol:




    I think I started off like that and look at me now - skint with a half-repaired rado but very happy! :D


    The best advice for your siblings - you can have a nice house, holidays and eat out lots...or you can own a Corrado

  5. Good Luck Mate, good to see one being saved and not broken...


    was nearly in the same position the other week when some local scrap man offered me a 16V Raddo for £170! I hadn't the cash or space for it other wise I would have snapped his hand off...I would of stuck a post on the forum for someone else if he wasn't dragging it off to destruction stright away... :( got to admit I directed him to CMS (a good VW breakers Derby)so at least some valuable Raddo parts would be saved :D

  6. My daughter seriously worried me today - She is getting quite intrested in learning different car makes and models and tonight I was passing a nice Scirocco and happened to say to my 5 year old - ' hey, thats a Scirocco made by the same people who made Corrados'...she responds 'so it came from Karmann then Daddy'

    I have to admit I was shocked!

    - Am I bad influence or should I let the VW adiction flow!?!

  7. Definately agree about getting it checked - I had some ignorant T*@t in a BMW (suprise) reverse into the back of me once - got an slight huff and 'oh no harm done' from him as there wasn't much to see(I pretty much agreed after a few choice words) - latter I checked underneath and found the bumper mountings were twisted...


    I just think people don't see our cars as we do - to them it just an old car and doesn't deserve to be a respected piece of someone elses property and its well annoying!!! :mad:

  8. I was quite amused at first when I heard this as the company I work speeds approx £1m+ a year on an (elegedy state-of-the-art)system on trackers for its engineers -approx half don't ever work and at least 2 engineers have been stuck in the Atlantic ocean for approx 2 years acording to the tracker...not bad considering they only drive Nissan Nivaros! (and only in the Midlands) - what would you be charged for sea usage??


    ...the whole things a joke and needs fighting at any chance

  9. I post here but its the wifes car;

    shes gone from a Mk1 GTI driver to a posh burd!


    Im in the same situation -(I'm INKYs husband!) also noticed if anyone who doesn't know us speaks to me about the Raddo and not the (not to impressed) other half! -


    I'm afraid I'm an "old fart" with a mK2 Golf and BMW (much appologies...)

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