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About strimmer

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  • Birthday 07/26/1976


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  1. I'm not sure of the colour of the car, Jabba built it around 2008, I think it was a chap called "Kevin". I'll look out the email tomorrow for you Simon. I believe it has the ECU included mapped and ready to go. It ran on track with the wick turned down, 280bhp, to maintain reliability, Jabba had it mapped to 315bhp, the huge power and reliability attributed to a massive intercooler, this isn't included but I know it's easy to get another made Jabba might even be able to do exactly the same one again. I'd love to see it go to someone who wants it. Price, it comes with a cast iron provenance, great power and specification Simon, I'm not keen on taking a lower bid to be honest, but there is no harm in having a gaggle.



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