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Everything posted by type-r04black

  1. Great example mate!!! WELL DONE.... Cant wait to see the show :clap: :clap:
  2. oh right will do. My bro was talking to me this morning about it. He's excited today as he should be getting his vr6 storm back tommorow. I have told him to run the engine in a bit before leathering it but I don't think he will take my advice :(
  3. Anyone know where he thread is from the bloke who was selling his mail order company due to ill health. My bro (jon_vr6) has buggered off out so I thought i'd ask you lot Cheers
  4. Eh free of charge bro I don't think you would complain either if work offered you a free car 8) 8)
  5. Thank you This is a saloon car Jon_VR6 :iamwithstupid:
  6. For some reason he has obtained a sudden lack of brain power He does not know the diffrence between a saloon and a hatchback I have a Mazda 6 like the one below, for some reason he thinks that my car is a saloon even though I know that its a hatchback, please tell him before I have to beat my younger brother up.
  7. Bro. Some photos of your car from Forza 2 which I did at weekend 8) 8) 8) :D :D Look at the plate And then a pic of my beast in GERMANY.... Proper beast :afro: :afro:
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