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About droog

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  1. Mine is the same on my 'm' reg......
  2. OMG I have the same car list as you :) Although i am swapping the mk1 for the C i am getting another Mk1 in with the deal. This Mk1 will be going hillclimbing though :D Thanks for the offers and advice and stuff. i have ended up buying new replacement indicators and have found an american guy to get fog lenses from. The door handle cost £75 from the local 'stealers' (ouch, yes i know), but yet i saw a second hand one go for £75 on fleabay..... :shock: I have fixed the electric windows (for now using 16v stuff). It seems my C has had the leather stolen, including the door cards and has had an earlier interior fitted. Fantastic. I have found wiring chopped to match the early door cards from later wiring loom. I is so happy. :( I will revive her... I will....
  3. Protected no claims...... cost you about 50 to 60 quid even though they tend to drive up the excess to about 300 quid. If you claim on normal insurance for no fault/no witness/vandalism etc, the insurance goes up by about 40 quid..... . Hmmm seems a win win by the insurers to me. unless of course you have many claims for first person (your fault.)... I'd love an insurance company, it is a license to print money.....
  4. my commiserations. What a waste, buying back from the insurers is the way to go with this though. You can always strip the best bits for your next one....... and sell the rest.......
  5. Hmmm from chesterfield is he, anyone got an address i can visit?
  6. Thank you peeps, i am sorted. I am looking forward to driving the 'c' now. I can take me old mk1 golf off the road for a nice garage spell instead of using it for a daily driver. should be nice i imagine :?
  7. Made new plastic doors seals (the ones behind the door card). replaced window switches. replaced heater fan. rewired about 50% of the engine bay. prepped and sprayed new rear badge and front grille. Fitted new brake pipes all round (originals still attached...), blimey that was a real job. Now to tackle the engine.......
  8. You are a quick and helpful lot :) I am in bolsover Derbyshire. I don't mind paying you understand, I'll even drag me old Mk1 Golf over a few counties for bits. Truth be told this corrado i've got is quite a can of worms. I have an electric sunroof but have no switch... (seems i have the wrong interior light panel). The car had a leather interior (stolen!). Etc.Etc. The feedback is helpful and i think i will bite the bullet and buy new ones (nothing is too good for me 'Purple People Eater' :). Cheers guys (and girls... I have learnt....) Col.
  9. My corrado has had the front headlights, indicators and fogs smashed by a vandal. :cry: I have sourced headlight units but I seem to be having trouble getting replacements via the usual channels (ebay etc) for the fog and indicator units. My corrado is the later model ('95). Am i faced with using a dealer? or is there aftermarket stuff i haven't found? please help as it is hampering my MOT. :mad:
  10. well i'll see if this works.... http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s97/ ... IMG036.jpg Dunno if this will work but it should put a few up. http://s150.photobucket.com/albums/s97/coldewol/ latest pics of blue (had time to polish 'im today) :) http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s97/ ... luenow.jpg
  11. Oops, :oops: sorry! have a few pics of her now. Found the sticker in the boot it is indeed LK4Z. I spent 5 hours wet flatting with 2000 grit then, using G3 compund to bring the laquer back to life. I then spent another 2 hours of buffing using paste polish. All this was done using my old faithful buffer (that gives the occasional shock). My back is wrecked and i am still numb. Never mind, it will all be worth it i'm sure. :wink: I still have to look after my daily driver as well you see (mk1 golf GTi). So many jobs and not enough weekend i think. I need a few parts to finish, driver leccy window switch (seems common for them to fail as far as i can see). And the interior needs a clean. As far as i know the leather interior it originally had has been stolen while it has been sat here. :( But a good cloth one has been fitted (to be replaced at a later date). I'll sort out a photobucket account and post what i have later. Thanks for the positive comments guys (and girls) :wink: Be back soon.
  12. LOL. My little Rado is a lot worse than those gentlemen.... But She will live again!! I will post pics soon....
  13. Hello all, I have just taken on a 2l 16v corrado on a an 'M' plate. Seems to be a kind of purple metallic. Is a bit shabby from a year under a tree :( . I will sort that out though. I think the colour is either blackberry? or bordeax? Dunno at the min, will look on the sticker when i get the chance. The little blighter needs new headlight units (which i have), and a couple of fogs (which i also have). bit of buffing etc. etc. Think i'll just run it and see what breaks :). The engine seems fine and doesn't smoke etc. I'll post some pics and stuff when i have figured things out. Speak soon :) col.
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