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Everything posted by chaz

  1. Thanks for the suggestion, but I think it's a bit more than that. I now have to toe it up practically every time I'm going from 1st up, and it clunks up rather rises as it should...
  2. LOL - no I think you should... Hahah. I have rung them for a price - 76 quid master cyl & 40 for slave - but I chickened out and went for the easier 'What make is it?' route. And the guy took care to say Eff Ay Gee rather than 'FAG'. I don't remember them doing that with BOSCH So can we get this straight for an idiot - the least it could be is that the flexi pipe is leaking, and the worst is that I need to replace both master and slave cylinders? (like I said, clutch not slipping so sure it's not that). Would you replace both master and slave anyway? (Christ, I've just read that back... this sounds like a S&M workshop - and I haven't even got into the nipple bleed...) .
  3. Many thanks for that. No DIY for me I'm afraid. I'll have to take it to a garage to have it done. Which means at least I don't have to ring up GSF to ask for a Fag slave, though...
  4. Okay, thanks for that. Would you definitely say 'slave' first '? - cos the only advice I've had already went towards it more likely being the master cylinder. cheers
  5. Ha ha, thanks. See, that's what kind of state it's got me in, I can't even spell any more. Or at least using the wrong 'peddle'.
  6. Hi there, The clutch peddle has been sticking recently and I'm quickly becoming an expert at 'toeing' it back up. It does come back up okay (when I can get my boot under it!). The clutch itself seems perfectly fine - no burning or slipping when held on hills, etc. So would this just be the master cylinder, do you think (or maybe the slave). I don't want to get stuck with a bill for a new clutch from a garage trying to tell me that it must be the clutch when it isn't. Any advice much appreciated. Cheers
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