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le hubs

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About le hubs

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/16/1977


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  • Interests
    anythink to do with cars


  • Occupation
    car body repair,and painter
  1. No its not the one thats my sig, its a 1990 blue valver. I will try and get some pictures up later. It does still go and the engine is in good condition and has had alot of money spent on it, it runs fine. Obviously with the steering and gear problem its not the easiest to drive but it can be driven. I would rather sell it than see it broken and obviously it would be easier that way!
  2. Its not that I want to scrap it - quite the opposite, I would love to keep it but I just cant afford to run it and fix it all the time. Its not actually the gear box that is broken, its something to do with the gear linkages/leaver. It has been fixed once but broke again almost striaght away. It currently has no tax or mot so is undriveable at the minute. If I fix the gear again and also get a new rack, will I get the money back when I sell it that it has cost me to fix it and then mot it? Is it alot of messing around to break it down? can you see my dilema? I love my corrado but my head needs to rule my heart for a change!!!!
  3. I need some advice from you knowledgable people!!! I have a 16v corrado and was planning to sell it, as i cannot afford to keep fixing the many problems ive been encountering with it!! The mot had run out and i was planning to put a new one on to sell it with, but it failed because the steering rack is cream crackered!! there is one on ebay for £250 but i dont really know if its worth it. Im also having continuing problems with the gear box. I was wondering if people could advice me on if I should sell it as it is now, of fix the problems and then sell, or strip it down and sell it as parts!! I obviously need to try and get as much money back now for it as I can but Im getting abit fed up of it, and ive spent a small fortune on it. Please can anybody advise me what to do for the best, as im at my wits end with it all and feel like ringing somebody to come and take it away and scrap it!!! My corrado dream has turned to a nightmare!
  4. ahhhh not as simple as i had hoped!! Is there another engine that would be easier?
  5. I was after abit of info please. My 16v Corrado is running terribly a the minute and im pretty sure the engine is on its way out. I was just wondering if a G60 engine will fit? Thank you
  6. that looks mint, cant believe you did it yourself for under £30 bargain!!! you have inspired me to have a go at mine!!
  7. but i got a problem need some parts like speed cabel and a back spoiler pls in the manchester area :D 8)
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