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About moneeb

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  1. what are the advantages of dbw compared to the standard cable, hav driven an s200 with and without and honestly cant tell the difference :scratch:
  2. exactly my thoughts. dont thik i have the balls or the skills to do that probably fook the full engine up with my luck :( anyway love to see what the fuel consumptions like on a rotrex as most of the time its producing boost so im thinking it might be quite high,only thing putting me off at the mo.
  3. your car looks great mate will be even better once that charger is finaly on also thinking of getin my mk3 vr charged was doing a bit of research on the rotrex and came across this (may be someones on here) http://public.fotki.com/YetiMan/car__au ... /dub_pics/ (bottom of page) the charger is mounted differnt to yours anyone know where to get the mounting bracket used on that car thanks :D
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