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Everything posted by steveitsu

  1. Cheers Guys Slimg60, do you per chance have any measurements/plans I could pass onto a professional to make the part for me? If not I can ask the welding dept at the college I work at....can believe I only just thought of that... :D Thanks
  2. So I finally find enough time to start fixing up my neglected VR6, the list is long.... :( My handbrake has pretty much been out of action for a few months, in that when it is pulled up it just keep coming and of course does not apply the handbrake... So I take off all the plastic housing and have a look inside (keeping my Bentley Pub Repair Manual to hand), thinking it will just be a nut that needs tightening... However, its a lot worse than that :? The metal housing welded to the main chassis, which holds the two holes for the screws attached to the handbrake, seems to have had the front screw pulled straight through the housing (leaving a dramatic torn hole, a bit like a bullet hole). Even with my limited knowledge of mechanics I know this won't be easy... Only options I see is somehow removing and welding back a replacement housing, of which I will need to get one made :gag: or Attaching a quick fix to the broken hole, that would enable me to attach the screw securely...again this will involve more welding I guess... Not sure why I am posting this here, as it is obvious this is gonna be a biggy to sort. But does anyone know what I am talking about, enough to point me in the right direction to sort this out...?? I live in Jersey, so access to people and service to help with this is a little more limited. Cheers Steve
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