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Everything posted by calv1n

  1. When it's about 25 degrees or more outside, the stereo won't turn on...If I drive around for about 1/2 hour it tends to start working again. Anyone know how I fix this / have the same prob?
  2. You know what? - it wasn't the fuel pump relay after all...I carried on having serious intermittent starting problems for another year after this post. I had practically given up and thought I'd take it in to one last garage before giving up on it for good. Brilliantly, there was a guy there who managed to track the problem to the crank shaft sensor and it's started fine since. I am very very pleased!!! Hooray for Davide!
  3. Thanks critical mass and reggit. Whilst attempting to replace the ignition switch I noticed that pulling relay 109 stopped the ticking sound that accompanied the non-starting. I gave it a bit of a clean, replaced it and it started straight away - very pleased! I'm now sure that it was this that caused the problems - part number; 357906381A (new part number; 1J0906381A). I didn't replace the ignition switch in the end - couldn't see where it went?!
  4. calv1n

    relay 109

    Does anyone know how I could get hold of this replacement part? It seems to be the cause of all my starting problems recently! Part number 357906381A (I think new part number is 1J0906381A) Thanks
  5. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me with diagnosing an ignition problem? I know there are a few links about this already but think my symptoms may be a little different. I've got a '93 VR6 and it was doing fine for a few months (got it in October) and then began randomly not starting about 15% of the time. When I turn the key in the ignition it'll make all the right noises (i.e. healthy battery etc) but won't spark the engine, regardless of how long I keep the key turned for. Also, whilst turning the key there is a light ticking sound from inside the dashboard - when I hear this I know its not going to start. Sometimes, on the fourth or fifth attempt, the ticking will not be there and the engine will fire. Other times it will not start at all and I will have to cycle to work and sometimes fall off my bike, which I don't like much. NB I think it always starts when the engine has been running in the previous few hours, so it seems to be a cold start problem. Official VW garage had it for about 2 weeks, told me it didn't exhibit the problem, so they couldn't diagnose and then charged me £150 for a new battery it didn't need. They also seemed to think it wasn't an immobiliser prob. I've just bought a new ignition switch, wondering if I'll be able to fit it myself (any ideas?) but suspect it won't solve the problem since wiggling the key around in the ignition never seems to do anything. I've probably been banging on for too long for anyone to still be reading so I might stop there....one last thing: I've had LPG installed, which I've been assured by the installers is not relevant (as they would say) - this may be the last straw that makes you think 'well you asked for it then'... Any help'd be great - also any recommendations of good corrado-friendly garages in the hertfordshire / north london area?...cheers
  6. Thanks CM, The vege angine seems pretty sweet - lots of power, lovely sound, not using much oil and I'm getting about 32mpg...
  7. Hi all, I'm pretty new to the forum - enjoying the wealth of information and entertainment :) and just wanted to commemorate the 26th Sept07 as the day I became the proud owner of a Corrado 8) I've wanted to own one ever since I saw one about 8 years ago and even bought and owned a polo saloon for 3 years because I thought it looked a bit similar! :roll: Anyway, very excited about the car - VR6, aqua blue, new-built vege engine and the neat ICE is a bonus. Here's a (dark) pic of the beauty that is... (and her predecessor) ....actually, I don't seem to know how to insert pics just yet, so that'll have to do for now. Nice work with all this business, people. Calvin
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