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Posts posted by les

  1. well.......not much interest on the 4 sale section, can understand why.........

    However, the response from the Autotrader has been phenominal, I've not sold it yet, but apart from all the dreamers, there are a few who are coming at the weekend

    who sound serious....hope so, cos I'm getting fed up of describing it over & over again.




  2. I think this is a gr8 idea, if you ask me I must say that I am very impressed with the product. When I installed part number 33-2277 on my VW Corrado V6, I initially tested its performance on a closed track. Well after some additional testing recently, something interesting was discovered. On a certified Dyno machine, the stock wheel horse power and torque increased from 204.5 hp and 180.7 ft/lbs to 216.3 hp and 191.4 ft/lbs! The flywheel horse power rating at 240 hp is likely 250 hp using the standard calculations. What was most interesting is how the power curve changed. The engine developed a flatter torque curve with a peak at 4,750 rpm as opposed to the 5,000 rpm stock reading. The same results followed with the horse power delivery. I don't believe hype, so the math results tell the story. After using this product for 90 days, I re-tested the performance results at the same track, and here is what happened:


    0-60 7.0 seconds stock


    0-60 6.87 seconds K & N installed July 2003


    0-60 6.63 seconds K & N after 90 days



    1/4 mile 15.5 seconds @ 92 mph stock


    1/4 mile 15.1 seconds @ 94.2 mph K & N installed July 2003


    1/4 mile 14.8 seconds @ 97.8 mph K & N after 90 days



    And this is all from a K & N filter is it?...well I don't dispute your findings/figures, however I would like to make a comment on your 1/4 mile figures as I do know a bit about Drag Racing.....


    I assume you ran the car with Slicks to give this test a fair chance?, so, after going back in 90 days when Full power was evident, your asking us to believe that a K & N filter which will suck in Hot air from under bonnet, giving lessair density and therefore less amount of fuel required, gave you 7 tenths on the 1/4?, sorry, but a 7 1/10ths improvement equates to at least a 70bhp increase, now I doubt that very much, even with a cold feed.





  3. Personall i think these mods for the K series manigement are usless and not worth any thing, u better of going down the pub and spending it there


    I know there has been someone on this forum argue with me to why it is good mod but i will give my point of view to why its not


    First of all the k-seris fuel system are mechanical system and all the brain controls is the ignition, idle & start up. Otherwise the more air that moves over the metering head the more fuel will pass.


    So i still can see how chip will give you better performance other than fooling the brain to give it more igniton timing. If it was electronic injectors i could understand as you can adjust how long these are open and you can control the fuel.


    When i built my engine running standard ECU system and ignition leads it produced 180bhp and now ive gone to a DTA system it produces 190 bhp maybe a bit more as it still needs some fine tunning.


    If you want more power from a engine you need to look at the engine itself. Port and polish, cams, rebuild so that the compression is back up etc chips are there to smooth out the power range which in many case releases more power but that was because it was losing power in the first place


    sorry to go on but thats my 2p's worth





    now if your running a Turbo..thats different story.




  4. well Tom, wouldn't help the sale much if I did, lets get it bought 1st??

    then we'll see what happens eh?


    I suppose Leather is harder to find than it is for a Calibra say, most later cars come with Blk Lthr, and ALL the Turbo's had it as std........I presume Golf interiors are a fit aren't they?.....thats prob the only source?





  5. Yeah, its NOT a Storm, the Blk Lthr is Heated though.

    I'll probably be SELLING at £3k if I can get it for a bit less??


    There's only 1 way to trade in my books, and thats Properly, ALL facts are out in the open, no stories, or suprises.


    If NE 1 is interested at/or around that figure, please respond either on here, or you can call 07974 902337 to discuss privately if u wish?







  6. well I don't have an exact figure, only a rough idea, will find out on Monday.

    However, if I said £3k ish?....what would u guys think on that??, I know I can't steel it from the Main Agent where its from, there a shrewed bunch.


    We all know the prices, so just some straight talking here would help matters move on guys.......don't wanna pull the wool over on anyone, wouldn't insult your intelligence, just wanna get in and out with a reasonable profit.






  7. sorry lads...just saw the sticky post at top about it :oops:


    Anyhow, I can get an M reg, Classic Green, 66k, Blk Lthr, no A/C

    BUT, it is on the VCAR as a Cat C, not a horrible car, but has had

    lots of paint, doubt if NE1 would want it, but it will be priced accordingly?

    Not my cup of tea normally, but it is a rare thing, and everything has a price.




  8. cos he's had to put an engine in it don't mean u gotta pay another £1000 for it......If I've had to repair something pre-retail, well thats tough, part of being in the Trade I'm afraid, everything a gamble, most u win...some u loose.

    Have a chat with him, tell him u still want it? but u won't pay another grand, its his responsibility to supply cars in proper working order.



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