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Posts posted by TheRealLuke

  1. No I haven't bought one yet, not in any hurry. Patience..patience like the mantis...


    I have a question though. There are two companies that advertise on autotrader a fair bit, TCS and a place in Kinver near Stourbridge I think.

    Anyone had any dealings with either of these?




  2. the fact you've thought about it, then joined up on here and then posted. that just says to me you want one really badly!!! ...quote]


    You're wasted in whatever job you're doing. I hear MI5 is looking for recruits :lol: ;)


    Hypothetically speaking, if I was to go and have a look at a VR, what kind of issues should I be aware of? Is there a FAQ for common problems? I need a non hypothetical cup of coffee...




  3. First post, hello.


    Been looking into buying a VR corrado lately. I need to be told how unreliable they are, that they're too fragile, too expensive to run and maintain,that the Vr soundtrack is more Britney than Motorhead. I need you to tell me I'm a fool for considering buying a 10+ year old car with probably high mileage for money that would get me something newer and more shiny, like dammit, an audi a3 or mk4 golf gti.


    If I was to consider buying a VR, thats IF... my budget would be 4-5k. But I know I shouldn't...my precious...


    The dark lord VW is calling....resistance may well be futile




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