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Everything posted by wozza

  1. Can anyone help me with a short list on how to remove and refit the heater matrix on my 1991 1.8 16v rado? I have taken all the lower trim away but need some help from anyone who has done this job before? Cheers Wozza
  2. Hi Jan, Thank you for replaying to me. I will have a look at all that and see if I can work something out. Thanks Wozza
  3. Hi All, I am having some heating problems with my corrado. Its a 1991 1.8 16v. I have replaced the thermistat and coolant and last year the previous owner had the non return heat valve replaced. But I still have no heat in the car which leads me to believe it is the heater matrix. Could any one tell me if they have had similar problems and if the matrix needs replacing what work involved? Many Thanks Wozza
  4. Hi All, I have recently purchased a 1991 1.8 16v rado, and a coulpe of things dont seem to be working. The active spoiler and temp gauge are intermitant. Would someone be able to tell me the the fuses values of these 2 parts as there are some fuses missing and the fuse box cover doesnt tell me where they are or what value they are? Thank in advance Wozza
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