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About phayeser

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  1. 50p is all yours! I always forget to start out by mentioning that its a 2.9 ABV engine. Yesterday I took out all the air intake stuff to check. Good bit of oil in there. Put it all back and disconnected the battery for a few minutes before driving for half hour. Guess I need to research how to do a proper ecu reset. Need to look into the cat converter as well...would I need to remove it to shake it then? How do I clean the MAF sensor chip - remove it from the rear and clean with alcohol? Thanks for help so far. On a side note, noticed a leak at bottom of auxiliary water pump not sure but might have to replace it and the two pipes. I'm wondering if the pump itself should be secured, as mine seems farily loose. Sorry all questions at the moment. :shrug:
  2. Just when celebrating the seemingly perfect running of my rado, I was struck with a number of issues yesterday driving across the country. - rough idle; the car died a couple of times. The needle searches for the right place, after stopping at lights it reaches almost 2,000 before settling again. - fuel consumption way up - barely 10mpg on major roads so running rich I guess along with other symptoms like gasy smell and much carbon round the exhaust. - jolting at various speeds, especially when holding 2,500 revs in a high gear. This seems to be less of an issue when the car is cold After a good inspection I finally found the intake elbow at the engine had become loose enough to work its way off. It seems the CLOWN that recently changed the valve cover gasket had left the pipe clamp loose. Unfortunately fixing it back on didnt remedy the issues but since I've been reading about MAF, TPS, O2, lambda, blue sensor, etc with regard to all this but would like to hear of any insight considering it all coincided together. Would also like to know what potential hurt this has done to my engine - seeing as unmetered and unfiltered air had been sucked in there. What should I look out for, are there places where carbon might have built up etc Thanks Much
  3. Hi there, so my rocker/valve cover gasket is leaking and wants replacing. Would this be a big job? Really have no idea. What other gasket should I order for the job? And where is a good place to get gaskets? My thanks
  4. Is the standard one from a '95 2.9 (357 919 506) interchangeable with a 357 919 506-A otherwise known as 3A0 919 506? thx much
  5. Shoulda mentioned it's a vr6 :)
  6. Hey I get this hesitation/jolting which comes with a dull knocking sound from the rear - fuel tank side. Its not a nice feeling as the car rocks back and forth. When I look at my tach it nearly always reads little over 2,000 revs, regardless what gear. The exception is in first where it happens at less revs. Kinda feels as though fuel flow is interupted but I'm only guessing and its weird that its usually at about 2100 revs. Whats also weird is that sometimes there are no symptoms at all, but if they're present they're frequent. Recently I pulled over and restarted the car which seemed to get rid of the issue temporarily. The car has an immobiliser that needs to be de activated once the key is turned. I really hope this isn't having spin off effect of doing some other damage. Any one chiming in with similar experience would be great. Paul
  7. Hey there, this is my first post and I hope its in a suitable forum section. I just recently hit all the se7ens on the mfi on my 92 "L 16V :D I was looking forward to turning that '1' into a seven as well, but have decided to move on from my faithful 2L and am travelling from Ireland to the UK this weekend to check out a particular VR6. I'd like to know what you consider the essential 'top ten when' buying a 1996 rado with 118K. Especially apart from the usual used car suspects. Any suggestions welcome. Also is there a free data check online, or at least one that doesnt require a UK billing address? Thanks in advance, and good to be here!! http://www.corradodatabase.com/index.php?item=view_corrado&id=3084
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