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Posts posted by Hereford's_Finest

  1. Well


    A few weeks ago I was parked next to some scaffolding and I assume some masonry fell from on high and hit the bonnet, thereby cracking and denting it. One of those things I never got round to sorting out and when it pissed down a load of water seems to have got in. A friend says the spark plugs could have rusted (as I went on three weeks holiday after it had happened) and the car never moved in that time but I don't want to go poking about with stuff I'm not so clear on.


    Basically you turn the key and it begins to turn over, but needs a fair few revs before it kicks in and starts properly. My knowledge on this is pretty low but friends have said it could be something that I could sort pretty easily and I don't want to spend money I don't need to in a garage.


    Bye for now





  2. Hello fellow Corrado lovers, I hope we are all well.


    This wet weather over the last few days has caused a problem, as there is a small crack in my bonnet which means drips have water have gone through. I think this has affected electrics as it occasionally takes a couple of attempts to start and then needs revving before it wants to go.


    Maybe someone from the 'shire??!! Local contacts?


    Mel xx

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