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About ScumSpawn

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  • Interests
    I like to do stuff


  • Occupation
    IT Monkey
  1. The guy with the car is going on holiday for a week or so and has offered me the car & all the paper work whilst he's away. I can get it checked out at my leisure, I'm picking it up Thursday so I can have a blast to work in it on Friday and get it checked out over the weekend. I'll let you know how I get on,... thanks for your comments :D
  2. All, I spotted a Corrado repair manual on CDROM on Ebay today http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... gory=32094
  3. Thanks for the fast replies, I'm thinking I'll get the car checked professionally, I’ve been trolling the forum and there’s a mountain of posts with owners reporting problems. The chap only wants 2.5k for the car it sounds to good to be true without being too pessimistic it may well be :?
  4. I’m looking at a VR6 this weekend and would appreciate any tips on what to check for. The current owner tells me it has a minor water leak. I will be checking that the car is loosing water not using water as I’m told a car using water may be a sign of a head gasket on the way out. I'm going to try and get the car checked out for oil contamination ect, what other things tend to be the weak points on the VR6? Can you tell me what interval the engine should be serviced at and when the timing belt should be replaced?. I have read the comments posted regarding purchase tips on the other models but would like tips specific to the VR6. Its a 2.9 on a L plate with 98k on the clock. It belongs to a friend of a friend so getting the car for the day before handing over any cash shouldnt be a problem. Thanks..
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