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Posts posted by DrPoth

  1. cheers mate i had been looking i found a company b ut they only had email add so i emailed them but aint had a reply as u said theyd prob be reluctant to sell just one set of seals.


    i was gona just remove it and have a look to see if any local hydrolic companies had matching seals but id prob just be wasting my time.


    I dont suppose anyone on here has a rack from a 1.816v for sale? its a 2l block dropped into a 1.8 so im guessing the rack will be the 1.8 type if there is any differancce




    Dean Poth

  2. thanks 4 the last post i was worried about the buzzin! i knew a dizzy must be sumin that rotates how thick ami not to figurethat theres so many abreiviations and nick names for parts im still trying to come to termswith them all. :lol: all elec components seem fine ive changed the fuelfilter and checked 4 blockages asfar asthe injectors but am havin trouble removing them ive disconnected the supply pipe but the actual injector just spins and spins any advice would be more than welcome.


    as always all help from u guys/girls is very much appreciated thanks!!!!!!!!!


    Dean Poth :D

  3. i dont know if any1 can help but immediatelly to the right of the engine block theres a electrical motor sort of thing with air breather pipes connected to it i aint got a clue what it is but its making a loud buzzing noise when the igition is in the on possition s that right?


    Can supply pic if that will help

  4. thanks for that. the ignition swich was changed not to long ago as for the rest i will check. i just tried starting it and it fired straight away tho when i pressed the throttle it started to die then went back to idle normally when i released it. i tried it again but this time i only pressed the throttle slightly and the revs seemed to build up nicely but then same again when i pressed it fully then it cut out and wouldnt start although after a long try it started again but with the same prob :(

  5. Hi all i recently bought a corrado when i bought it it was a non starter-no spark, which was the coil so i changed that and all was fine for about 200 miles. I was hearing a knocking on drivers side susspension so i jacked the car up put it on axel stands and found the lower arm was shot but as i didnt have the part i ordered it an left the car on the stands till it arrived i fitted the part lowered the car and it was fine, however i took the car for a drive to test it (only about 5 miles) it seemed to be lacking power. i got the car home and decided it maybe a good idea to take it for a good run. when i got back in it i had trouble starting it, eventually it caught and i thought i was on my way but 2 mins into my trip all power seemed to dissapear and it cut out (right on a speed reduction measure with a car behind and one waitin to come through. Typical!) anyway now the car turns ova and tries to start occasionally it just about starts sounds very rough then cuts out, it has spark and fuel seems to be getting through. it had a new fuel pump a week before i bought it so i doubt its that but never say never. before this when it was working a few times when driving the power seemed to fade as if someone had cut the power to the engine but it would sort of teese me for a sec then spring back to life and carry on as normal. sorry if ive gone on a bit but i thought to much is better than to little (to my relief my missis says thats not always true!)

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