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Posts posted by pwoods76

  1. Hi still quite new to the corrado scene and im hittin probs with my alarm/central locking. when i go to lock it via the fob all doors except drivers lock and vice versa when unlocking. Ive replaced pump to no avail , but you do hear a noise in the drivers door as if its trying to lock any ideas? thanks

  2. Ok im fairly new to the Corrado but im havin probs all ready!


    Firstly the drivers door wouldnt unlock at all! the alarm looked like it was tryin to and the key was pushin the pin up slightly but not enough. Ive nopw managed to completley pull the pin out ( to heavy handed) i think its the door mech its self which seems very stiff, since this the central locking now refuses to unlock with the key or alarm it only locks. I took the vacum plug of bottom of central locking actuator and it only sucks never blows? (no pun intended) but now the actuator actually lights up as if something inside is fuseing or similar. Has anyone had anything similar? oh the pass side or boot dont unlock either, just didnt know if it was the central locking pump , the actuator or something else? Oh and where is the fuse box on a 16v k reg? that shows how new i am!


    Thanks in advance!

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