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About loveofcorrados

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  1. Hi everyone i'm new to the forum so excuse my naivety. I've had my VR6 for 18 months, its coming up for its 150 000 mark so a re-build is emminant. I was just wondering if anyone here's attempted the 2.9 to 3.0 litre tune up and whether i could pick their brains about hassle, price and rewards. thanks for your time ryan
  2. i heard the schrick manifold was lacking when the chips hit the table and all the hype was false... If not sorry for my naivity
  3. :? Sorry folks, I know this topic has bounced around the forum for quite a while but i've recently found someone who boasts that they could re-create the VWMS manifold if i could get the design specs. seeing as they are no longer being made by VWMS and Schrick have packed up building their "improved" version is there anyway that i can lay my hands on the designs, as anyone who owns either isn't going to give it up (unless they're VERY foolish). Thanks in advance for any replies :lol:
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