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About Markos

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  1. Markos


    Nice one, thanks for the info kevhaywire, think I'll try the old superglue trick myself... Markos
  2. Markos


    Evening all There's alot of info on the C sunroof on this forum I see, could've done with some of that a few months back! Jim, that part you need is probably worn rather than actually broken. There's a little black wheel that loses it's shape over time and affects it's performance, I replaced these when I fixed my roof so you'll have no problem getting them from VW and they're not expensive (shock!). kevhaywire, you mention roof support straps, what are they? Interesting you talk of a new subframe, I wonder if that might be what I need, but I'm hoping it's not! The 'runner' part that Jim is about to buy (you may as well buy BOTH sides Jim) that has the rubber end is causing me grief as I need thicker rubber to stop it lifting too high. Anyone got anything or can recommend something to put that's thicker and WILL stay in place? Using two of them doesn't work as they won't stay put. The last time I tried to slide the roof it only just closed again, so I think that 'runner' part is the offender, if it's not I'm fearing a new subframe, but I thought VW wanted £250 for one... that's expensive. Come the good weather it's disassembly time again I fear... Markos 94VR
  3. Could well do, and yes, the right hand lane is/was the right one to go for! I'm sure everyone will be there around that time, will chat to the London 'posse' in advance and see if there is a convoy to tag on to. M
  4. No probs Mark. Am aiming to get to Woburn and the EGM, though it will depend on work etc... so hopefully will catch up with everyone there. M
  5. Thanks very much Mark16v, nice of you to not mention my name! In my defence, the Corrado up ahead of me was in the lane I was in then shot off to the other slip road with no warning whatsoever at the last minute. There was no signs at that junction to say which way, and I didn't want to risk the same manouvre as there was no time to look... so a bit of a journey was preferable to slamming into another C! Pleasant detour though eh boys? Not that I asked anyone to follow me though... would never have done that with my sense of direction! Banana man, is your G60 tweaked? Certainly kept right up with my VR! Markos
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