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Posts posted by paulw12

  1. just been messing round with me air box and found what doesent look right. a piece ofmetal bent into the shape of a propelar in the pipe coming from the throttle body to the air box it doesent look like its ment to be there it looks like someone has put it there as if to propel the air as it goes into air box.can anyone help with this to confirm its not ment to be there and why someone would put it there.cheers

  2. been wanting a corrado for a long time now, could of got one a year ago but was a choice of a corrado or s2 audi,at the time the s2 was cheaper and only had small budget regretted it big time., finely got one last saturday its only the 18 16v but the cars very clean and all electrics work fine.theres no visible rust ,no nocking from engine all round good car.i have never driven a corrado before and dont really no how the 18 16vs perform. it starts up first turn idles perfect and doesent get hot but doesent seem to have no go . my mate has an escort gti crap car i no but seems farster than mine any info would be much appreciated on tunninig the car or if theres a problem willing to spend money on this car :confused4:

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