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Posts posted by dj_dubbin

  1. well this happened september last year but just found the pics so thought i would post them up,

    started life as a aqua blue 2.0 16v drove it for about a month then built myself a 16vt, low comp pisons cams,management,t28 etc etc anyway it looked like this




    the day it first started



    4miles down the road



    and yes this did all happen in a petrolstaion forecort next to the pump!



    moved on and got myself a g60 see my rr thread,just though i would show you the old rado :( :(

  2. while all the brackets were odd decided to sandblast them off and spray them.after all day yesterday putting it all back together went out for a drive and the car overheated slightly,took the thermosat out and tested it it was knackered so went and bought a new one today(utter b*stard to change take all the pas pump out the way etc),replaced that bled the sytsem and again it got a bit to warm again right so decided to change the watre pump but doing this meant that all the s/c had to come off the alternater and the bracket that holds every thing

    just finished and fingers crossed it is ok


    before sand blasted








    naked bay



    nearly back together






    putting it all back together wasnt that bad it was sat ther cleaning all the oil out off the boost pipes and intercooler that took forever,anyways hopefully back on the road now.

  3. thanks all, i have had grey leather in the car before but to me there was to much grey and now i want something that stands out but will also go with the colour of the car its going to be either a deep red or a bisquit colour re-trim after looking at it. I did convert it all to 5*100 re-drilling g60 discs etc,as for the front wheels i am looking at getting bigger dishes for the front to make them 8.5 j.

  4. On the subject of a retrim.. I reckon a nice sort of dark or brick sort of red would really stand out in the grey. The old Rallye that PVW did a few years back had something similar (if I remeber correctly..?) and it really worked :)


    i was thinking red but using a pair of recaro front seats,was trying to think of what to do with the dash aswell also trim that or get it flocked but again wat colour for the dash lol

  5. thought it was about time to stick a few pics up of my car


    will get a full spec up of my car tomorrow but for now here are a few pics








    currently going trough some slight changes including smooth rear bumper with hidden exhaust,de-locked door handles,new steering wheel,all the engine bay cleaned and painted oem,new charger(tomorrow)sns chip,i trying to decide on a re-trim for the interior that would suit the car any ideas?

    will post momre pics up shortly just re-szing them all


    opinions welcome good or bad and thanks for looking[*]

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