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Everything posted by fezzer

  1. Hey me again!! :D Just out of interest why didnt I look like a massive Corrado nut - car of my dreams since ever :nono:
  2. That was me!! :D My first spot :cheers: Just before I sell her tomorrow :(
  3. i had a exactly same problem intermittently - new spark plugs helped for a bit but since i got one of those trickle charger solar panel things for the dashboard which i plug in even if just leaving for short time starts first time every time - not much help to you now i know
  4. will do - if temperatures improve in wiltshire tomorrow!
  5. did you ever get to root of problem. i have exactly same problem. heater matrix replaced a few months back and temporarily fixed problem. but back with a vengeance now. put some screen wash in and water seems to smell of that?
  6. i also replaced my heater matrix - before i put it in i was getting water in passenger footwell. seemed to stop temporarily but has started again. is this where your leak is coming in?
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