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About sar1f

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  1. Thanks much for all the info and suggestions. I'm going to check further into the upgrade to the newer model digi gauges. Im still in the search for a stock mechanical speedo style replacement cluster if any float by. On a not so lighter and sort of unrelatted note i just found out theres oil in the intake tube AFTER the intercooler and I don't mean a little, so the chargers getting pulled and sent out and the pipes are getting the run down and clean with the cooler. I've got a frined putting the keen eye to it as we speak for any other mucked about bits.
  2. Pioneers tuners are normally fairly versitial, but I have to say even though I have a Pioneer I'm shopping around myself for an Alpine. And yes, a good few of the Nakamichis are a little too fond of skipping.
  3. I agree those things rock. I've sheared bolts down to about 2mm and as long as theres space for the driver and socket, they remove just about anything with thread.
  4. The Rado actually has 187,xxx miles on it but the odometer says 64,xxx and isn't budgin'.
  5. New car or not I'd go spairs man. I'm talkin in the front bush with the paintball marker for the next month when the motor was back. Been shot at, been jumped, had a ball bat taken to me once, but F**K with my wheels and it'ed be three or four of my best mates to talk me off of walkin' the block for the little pr**ks. Individuals who comprehend the possibilty of this act being O.K. need to have whats left of the malfunctioning brains removed via logging chainsaw.
  6. Thanks for the clearification. any clues as to fetching up the whole cluster?
  7. I just baught a 90 Corrado G60 and I'm assuming a previous owner monkey'd with the odometer. Which in turn sucks for me. I'm looking for a replacement gauge cluster and the only thing I could come up with is the DDI setup. Will this work for my car and if so is it plug and play or will it be work? The only reason I'm prompted to ask is that I noticed that the DDI cluster has a digital Odometer and my stock is mechanical. Thanx for any imput SAR1F :brickwall:
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