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Everything posted by wumasta99

  1. Basically the plan is more POWERRR......better handling and generally keeping it as standard with subtle mods. Still in talks about whether to tune the 1.8 kr engine or do a transplant. Was on the phone today with John Mitchell and he was very helpfull, was really nice that i emailed him and he got back to me straight away. Have tried emailing storm developments but no joy there. Ideally going to try do most of this myself so fingers crossed :) anyone got any ideas of colours that work for corrados, i want something very dark and discreet???preferably from the VAG colour range
  2. Hi all, Right had my corrado for nearly 2 years now, and its now time to start. Its fairly standard, red 1.8 kr, lowerd on coilovers, and black diamond discs :) ill get some pics up later
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