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'Rado VR6

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Posts posted by 'Rado VR6

  1. Try and link the website I'm intreueged! (can't spell it) :) well it's funny I spoke to my mate the other nite and said he's getting a proffesional electric 1 installed for £500 or summit and he reckons it's gonna add 50bhp I mean come on either he is seriously Lyin or the company is! I'll try find more about the website and give them a ring and see who's lying! Although he does have a calibra so maybe he was just tryin to prove something cuz he's scared of mine :)


    Hiya mate i think this is the link your after, its worth looking into http://www.kewengineering.co.uk/upgrade ... arging.htm


    Whate engine has yor mate got in his cally?

  2. Btw were abouts in barnsley are you?

    I'm in Ardsley, don't tell me your local too?

    You going to the CCGB meet on Sunday?



    Ha ha ha! yeah im in Cudworth, im guessing there are a few of us then, lol. am gonna try and get down a couple of very kind users on here have invited me and gave me their number, but ive only been on here about a week and dont have a 'rado yet, im just finishing off my 4 year Mk2 Astra GTE project. Ive just come back from donny and got @r$eholed by a 'rado! he he.

  3. I don't know what your problem is with this electric supercharger guys. They are awesome. When I pulled a 392hp at the rolling road day in December last year, it was with 2 of these electric chargers in tandem. I lied about having a turbo :?


    The advert is misleading. They actually make 1890cfm @ 200rpm, so there's plenty of boost available.



    Nice 1! i love it! you got any pics mate?

  4. I still think its not worth looking into because to do it properly it will cost more than a mechanical driven charger. What's the cheapest, a drive belt or all the electrical equipment. I'd like to bet all the electrical equipment is more expensive, plus you have limited use (battery life).



    Designing and fitting a system is a commitment in its self entailing god knows how long developing such a thing. as far as cost i dont think it would cost much at all i mean were talking a powerful fan and thats more or less it, just bolt on as apose to mating a mechanical unit up to the cars auxiliry drive. the unit wouldnt run off the battery as the car will be running when in use therefore not using stored power. Btw were abouts in barnsley are you? :wave:

  5. I still think you would need a fan alot larger then that bearing in mind a turbo spins upto 100,000 RPM



    Yeah this is it, its a subject tackled throughout most forums at some point, its hard to muster the air flow needed but is possible. i had a design for one last year that runs about 45,000 rpm still yet to test it. interesting concept either way.

  6. To be honetst im a fan of old school N/A tuning I.E. headwork, cams, induction and exhaust. but i have looked into electric superchargers (not the egay tat) and there are some suprising developments! as long as the unit is in-line to the intake and before the AFM (so the ECU can register the larger volume of air pressure and compensate with fuel) its just a case of calculating standard air rate drawn in throughout the rev range and finding a motor powerful enough to exceed it to make a difference.


    Basically your talking a motor the size of your fist producing almost 25,000 rpm to make any significant difference!!! (bearing in mind a powerful angle grinder produces half that!!) but it is possible and worth looking into!

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