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About daxmatt

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/21/1975


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  • Occupation
    manual turner, vertical borer, surface grinder
  1. As title really a black front carpet as close to sheffield as poss unless you can post cheers
  2. If you still have the coilovers I will take them if you can post, and can you post some pics of them as well cheers
  3. daxmatt

    BMC kit for VR6

    Did you get sorted I have one that I would part with for the right money in good clean condition I can supply photos
  4. yeah funny you should say that Paul it does it on my new daily aswell lol, as said I think it's just one of those things they do iv had it on 2 others with the same brake setup and they did it even when new pads,discs,calipers and bearings have been fitted
  5. I have some on eBay at the moment very straight need a lick of paint there up at 70 or best offer but will take 50 for them on here
  6. Ah right only ten mins away, if you want and they fit you can have the black rubbers for a fiver they have never been used only for the mock up but I'm changing them for blue ones, you could even bring it and fit it, but you would need some big jubilee clips
  7. I'm near the mushroom roundabout just off Dalton lane
  8. Excuse the the dirty bay (its been sorted lol) but this is how mine fits
  9. I have a draft 42 unit that's the same sort of thing its off the car and the rubbers are 76 mm, I'm in Rotherham aswell so you could come round and check if you like
  10. At no point should you ever sell a corrado for a golf, get a corrado vr much better cars, I have had a golf vr and can say it was a bitter dissapointment yes the engines great its just all the junk around it,the mk3 golf is possibly the worst car ever it handles rubish and rusts ? Well were doesnt it every single pannel is a problem on them there's no specific place just the whole thing rots away
  11. Fancy a swop for a bmc cda ? ---------- Post added at 9:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 9:46 AM ---------- Live in Rotherham so nice and close aswell
  12. Price pics and location would be nice, kinda like borbet c
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