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About julz

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  1. Right then...got the parts....next question...how does the bush fit in?? Does it just slide in between the two little arms where the cable slides into?? Julz
  2. You're all stars :D thanks guys...getting it all tomorrow...will let you know how it does. Julz
  3. Thank you :D GOnna get a new cable as well as mine in a little tight :D Julz
  4. OOhh..thank you!! Just to clarify...the accelerator cable actually goes to an arm connected to the pedal..not directly to the pedal (if that makes sense)..is it still the same part?? Julz
  5. Hi guys... Sorry for my first post being a technical one...so here goes. I've got a 1995 2.0ltr GTi Coraddo and the accelerator cable keeps coming unclipped from the pedal. I've tried everything to keep it on (including cable ties, glue etc) but the minute I put my foot down it pops back off again. Does anyone have any ideas as to why it keeps doing this? Am I missing a clip on the pedal arm or something?? If I buy a new accelerator cable will it come with the clip to solve all my woes?? Hope you guys can help. Cheers Julz
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