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About Mrhukstable

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  • Interests
    Corradoes OBVIOUSLY


  • Occupation
    Commercial Insurance Business Developer
  1. Hi guys Im new to the site and hope some of ou clued up peeps can help. I have a 1.8 16v corrado and have changed the bottom part of the airfilter to a bolt on pipercross one and put a scorpion dtm exhaust from middle box back. I found I was having probs with the runnig and changed the timing bels and tensioner on it then had it put on a rolling road, to my shock I was told it was only producing 80bhp WHAT A JOKE HA! the tunned it up looked a the timin and pushed it up to 130 still nothing compared to what I have been reading on the site. I have now purchased a polished inlet manifold on ebay wiht the throtttle body on it but its a 42mm from a golf. Im no sure of the standard size on a 91plate corrado ANY ONE KNOW? Would it be better to leave my existing one on ? Would it affect performance if I were to change it? Please can someone advise me as I am really stuck as to what to do cheers Hak
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