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About Lockey

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  1. :cry: At last someone who has had the same problem. My C has been suffering from the same cut out problem as yours for months now. I have taken it to two garages to be checked out, one a VW spec, and the other VAG. The car would either not start, or would start and then cut out after anytime, any speed. The ISV would not buzz, and hence the car would not start. I have had the ECU tested, replaced every relay, had the fuse board removed and checked for cracks, had every wire traced and reconnected, changed plugs, cap, leads, coil, battery, alternator, idle value. Had alarm & imob taken out. I have had the fuel pump pressure tested, the ignition switch has been changed and the bloody thing still cuts out at anytime. It could be fine for a few days, any milage and then cut out. Most of the time it would re start after a few minutes, but sometimes it wouldn't start for over 1 hr. It's a shame you set fire to your fuse board as I would have been keen to read if you did indeed solve the problem. If you can think of any thing that I have missed, or possible ideas.....please
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