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About johnypud

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  1. johnypud

    sunroof issue

    my corrado has a metal sunroof and just wondered if that was standard on them as i need a seal and can only find ones for the glass types thanks
  2. may be getting sum but not sure how they will look thanks
  3. Paint job cost me nothing as own a bodyshop, well has cost me materials about £150 and then my spare time, but something to that extent i would charge £1500+ no engine plans as yet, but mate pushing me towards 20vt
  4. just need headlights boot seal and a few new bits like front indicator sunroof seal etc hope u like
  5. i have a gay after market steering wheel on at min and am looking to change just wondered if any1 knows if newer vw steering wheels will fit ie golf mk 4 polo etc thanks
  6. just noticed power steerimg fluid under my car in unit. i fitted a new pump a few months back filled it up and it leaked out all the fluid over night, checked all pipes were on proper and tried again and it held fluid for a while, i have now noticed it is leaking again from near steering rack on 1 side, it leaked a little fluid but has now stopped and apears fine, anybody any ideas ? thanks
  7. thanks for help guys, given me alot to look into, cleaned and painted the 2ltr block today so if it doesnot go in its getting sold thanks again :)
  8. i currently have a 1.8 16v engine running in rado, i also have a spare 2ltr 8v engine from a golf mk3. Would it be possible for me to put the 16v head onto the 8v block? would there be much point in me doing this and how would it effect the compression with the different shaped pistons. thanks
  9. well fitted a new water pump and thermostat and painted inlet :)
  10. few more pics, not done loads been really busy vital piece of equipment at the unit
  11. well here the pics of it painted :) hope you like and now hidden away untill rest painted end of week :)
  12. more update :) all now primed and nearly flatted ready for paint :)
  13. few more pics.. been moving units so not had much time on her yet :(
  14. Not had much chance to work on car yet but had a few hrs few more pics of progress
  15. thanks for all our comments and yes all the mods are going bar wheels and susspension returning back to standard :) will be cracking on it at weekend so will get more pics up then :) thanks
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