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About DUBMAN09

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    carpenter and joiner
  1. yea, i have heard the clicking too. does the speedo have a relay switch or summink??
  2. located where ppl??
  3. oil is all fine, still completely stumped! :scratch:
  4. :eek: i will check straight away! nice one, know anything of the above as well?? lol!
  5. right here we go, i have had a problem with the clocks and temp sensors latley and now my oil light has started to flash even though i have loads of oil :confused4: so.....i got a new speedo senoser from t.p.s, and that sorted the speedo out for about 2 weeks and know all of a sudden the old problem is back, it just dies on the clock, im going along reading 0mph!? could this be a case of faulty clocks?? the speedo pinion that screws into the gearbox is fine, in grittyness or dirt located on it. just seems abit odd?! and i have changed the yellow sensor (heat/clock sensor) but the light is still flashing and there is no movment on the heat gauge on the clock?! :scratch: my damn clocks are one big flashing disco scene and its getting quite annoying! can anyone give me any pointers, diagrams etc, anything to help me out!!!! ????? :scratch: :confused4: :bad-words: :pale: :scratch:
  6. dude, what one is the water temp sensor as there is three in a row? also does this speedo sensor sit ontop of the box, fron or back of the gearbox??
  7. hey ppl, i have a k plate rado vr6. been going great and couldnt complain, but all of a sudden the temp gauge on the clocks has been goin through the roof (even when i 1st start it up from freezing cold) then the fans kick in! :? :shrug: its made my batt go flat once!! i thinking poss sensor but what one out of three?! lol :gag: :cuckoo: and whilst im on the subject, my speedo is having a spacky moment, only does it every now and then but this is what happens, i will be staionary and the needle flicks up to 80mph then back down, and sometimes the needle dont even move when im driving along? wtf?? another sensor? elec problem?? need assistance! lol :help: :help: :shrug: :shrug: :scratch:
  8. its only on standard bbs wheels, crap really, in need of rims!!!! lol :help:
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