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About watto1986

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  1. This happened to mine about 6 months ago. I made a small metal peice that just fits between the broken pc and the floor. If i remember correctly it was about 30mm long 15mm or so wide and 4mm thick (i just measured it up with a vernier) I then tapped a M6 hole in that which lines up with the orignal bolt hole and cut the head off a high tensile bolt and bolted it through the broken piece. Then "flattened" the pulled through metal and re-mounted the lever. Was a bit of a bodge job but up to now has been fine. Maybe a re-weld is the way to go for a full fix but this was a cheap skate option.
  2. It had started running abit dodgy before but not this bad. The repair was to the oil cooler gasket/seal. Not too bad a problem.
  3. Hi All I am now having the first major issue since buying my VR. Problem started with a small oil leak. I booked her into the garage and for the week I was waiting ensured the oil level was always OK. Never the less on route to the garge the leak became more severe and 1/2 mile from the garage the pressure light came on. I then just coasted it in. The leak has been fixed but since then the acceleration has been lumpy and following me disconnecting the battery over night the car is having more problems. Firstly on start up the rev build then drop to 900ish but will rev up and down around that mark without throttle by say 200rpm. Also if I build the revs and leave to drop back down the car sometimes just stalls. :( When turning the ignition off again there is a short noise as if a bearing is faulty and slowing to a stop, however there is no bearing noise at revs. Could this be a crank shaft bearing? Or timing chain? btw the timing chain is yet to be changed @115k? :shrug: Thanks for any advise. Chris
  4. Looking good nice to see rado's loved the world over (of course!)
  5. Thats what I used, they were jubilee clips but I think this is what caused the leak.
  6. Cheers for the advice guys! The problem was that the pipe was deteriorated around the clips. I put proper fuel pipe clips on and hopefully have now solved the leak! Back to driving!
  7. Hello All Could anyone help? I need to change the fuel filter on my Corrado VR6. Is the a quick guide anyone is aware of? Thanks Chris
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