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Everything posted by wippy

  1. if you dont get a click then its either the solenoid thats fauty of the feed to it, take a piece of wire with you and next time it happends connect one end to your batt + and the other end to the starter motor feed, if it does not turn the car over then you know its the starter
  2. thank you very much for your replies, so how do people get round the ecu opening the isv when running a smaller pulley? is this controlled by the main chip in the ecu? i was having a problem with the car having flat spots around 4000rpm it was not dying but there was a noticable drop in power especially when at wot when the full throttle switch was tripped, the car does not seem affected so badly when its running cool but after 10 miles or so it starts loosing power again, i have checked the timing and replaced the ecu pressure hose and the fuel filter(also checked the fuel pump) and also dissmantled and cleaned the isv ,it did make a big difference but with the isv plugged back in the car still wont make more than 1550 on the mfa boost check and still looses power over 4000rpm, i bought the chip off ebay so there is a possiability that it could be wrong, i have taken the knock sensor off the engine(but still plugged in) just to check if it was that causing problems but its still there, the other thing im wondering about is the key way on the crank, sometimes when at low rpms if i put my foot flat down it will be fine but other times i do it i can hear slight pinking, is this a sign of movement? sorry i have so many questions but im just trying to get my head around the problems with the g60 thanks in advance for any help :salute:
  3. sounds like you may need to recondition your starter to me
  4. a couple of days ago i fitted a chip and 70mm pulley and the car started behaving very oddly, sometimes when accelerating the car would pull well through the gears and other times it would pick up fine then loose power. I checked the boost on the mfa and was getting readings of 1500 from 2000rpm all the way to 6000rpm, my first thought was perhaps it had a boost leak so today i removed all the pipes, intercooler and supercharger outlet box, i cleaned everything up and washed out the intercooler and then put it all back together and made sure everything was tight, i also cleaned up the throttle body and adjusted the boost return valve. I then took it down the road and had exactly the same results 1500 from 2000rpm upwards :roll: . Just out of curiosity i disconnected the isv plug and took it up the road , instantly boost pressure now read 1700 much better, this got me thinking so i removed the valve and blew into it, im assuming that when it is unplugged the valve would be closed but i could still blow through mine a bit, i plugged it back in and switched on the ignition and blew into it again this time it was easier to blow through so the unit is working as it should, at this point i thought i would just take it off totally and block the hole in the manifold and take it for another drive, this time boost had increased again from 1700 to 1900 just as i would expect for a 70mm pulley. i am sorry for my ignorance now, i am a mechanic but i am new to the g60 set up so any info would be great, am i right in thinking that the isv is also used as an overboost valve if the ecu senses too much boost? if so where does the ecu get its signal for this and what is the trigger pressure? im assuming the sensor in the throttle body pipe is a map sensor so would this be it? is this sensor a known weak point and is it adjustable as you can get in there with a screwdriver and turn it. i am sorry for all the questions but any info would be much appreciated
  5. did you do the work yourself? if so try and look back at everything you would have moved or disconnected and make sure it all back together correctly, it seems odd that everything was working fine and now it is not so it would point to something you changed, were the injectors new and are they definatly what you think they are ? check your plugs and see what colour they are and then put the old chip back in and run the car, it should run rough, if at all and after a few mins take the plugs out and check the colour, they should be black if they are not then there could be a fault with the injectors, i have not taken the injectors out of a g60 before but if its not to hard put the old ones back in with the standard chip and see if there is an inprovment. it seems odd that its running lean , if the chip is definatly fine then it really does point to the injectors, even if some dirt got into the regulator then this would make it run rich if anything , its always good to change your fuel filter so i would do this anyway and there could be a possiability that its the pump but if it was running ok before then its a slim one where abouts are you from?
  6. what did they say the fueling was like ?, are you sure you have the correct chip for your injectors and not just the one for the pulley otherwise it will be overfueling , this may seem a very stupid question but i have not seen a billet fuel rail for a g60 (im a qualified mechanic but am new to the g60) does the original pressure regulator fit onto this?
  7. we are using an omex600 ecu on a throttle bodied mk1 2ltr cross flow 8v and i must say its a pleasure to use , you can change everything imaginable, it does not matter what injectors, boost you want to use the map can be changed, you will need a laptop though to change your settings and some idea of how it all works, if you do decide to go this route and need a hand just give me a shout, we are using a crank trigger , the easiest way to do it is to remove your crank pulley and just have the trigger pattern machined into it and then make a bracket up for your sensor
  8. could be the temp sensor or the needle sticking what type of corrado was it
  9. who has the red raddo farriers road ,stow ?
  10. wippy

    ABF on R1 carbs

    when i think about it now i think mine were R6 carbs but they should be the same just a larger bore, my old R6 was fed by an electronic pump but at a low pressure, if you fit the fuel inlet and return like i did with no regulator then the fuel should flow in and out with hardly any pressure at the carbs and like i said mine was fine, my car fired straight up as soon as i put them on but run very badly on full throttle so i needed to fiddle with the jets a bit but after that it ran faultlessly, one slight problem i did have was fireing it up when it was warm but that was just down to ignition timing, i know it is electronically controlled but just needed a tiny twist and it was perfect hot or cold and started on the button
  11. wippy

    ABF on R1 carbs

    i just left everything as is was mate, the carbs i used were like the standard fuel rail with a fuel inlet and return , so i just attached the pipes like they were on the fuel rail, i was a bit worried that the carbs would not fill as the fuel just goes in one end and out the other and i didnt use any type of regulator but i had no problems what so ever, is that the engine with electronic ignition? if so you may be lucky, on the mk3 8v the rev limit is set by cutting the injectors, so if you use carbs you also loose the rev limit :-) this is some vid of my mk3 in testing stage
  12. wippy

    ABF on R1 carbs

    i just used the standard bump when i put them on my mk3 :D
  13. i see he also sells chips for G60's i wonder what they are like
  14. thank you everyone for all your help, i think i may replace the pulleys because they do seem past their best. The engine pulls really well and just seems to get stronger and stronger all the way to the red line which i guess is a good sign, the charger oil feed pipe has been replaced with a newer one, is it worth replacing the standard pulley with a 68mm one and fitting a chip, does it make a big difference? Would anyone recommend replacing the silencer box or is it best just to leave alone? also and im really sorry for all these questions, my temp gauge does not work , i did read on here about testing the sensor and it all seems to be ok, i also earthed the plug and the temp gauge still did not move, is this likely to be a fault with the gauge? ill soon get the hang on this, i just thought it was best to ask people who have experience with the g60, i have had 12 mk2 golfs 3 mk1's 3 scirocco's a mk3 and a 2ltr 16v corrado then i turned to the dark side and got into my 200sx's ,skylines and rx7's but now im back lol i could rebuild a skyline engine in my sleep but because i have never heard or driven a g60 before its hard to tell whats right and whats wrong, it seems to me from what you all have said that mine is a good one :) thanks again guys for all your help
  15. thanks mate, i am a mechanic and totally understand how a supercharger works but this is the first time i have actually looked into the g60, i literally thought about buying one and then the next day i had one lol, i see a lot of people removing the boost return so i took mine off , it just puzzled me that people were then saying that you had to buy teflon spray for the supercharger when it works fine when its just using the oil from the breather, im guessing most people just remove it for the noise :D, the worst side affect from having your engine breathing oil must be the increased risk of det but having left my breather venting to atmosphere for a couple of days the ammount of oil which has been spat out is really not worth worrying about if this goes into the charger, besides this would happen anyway if you left the boost retunt there, i have now plumbed the breather to the blanking plate :D i cannot believe how much these plates are sold for, it took me 5 mins to knock one up at work lol. if i may could i ask another question, i know chargers make some noise but when mine is taken over 3000 rpm there is a noise which kind of sounds like a worn bearing which obviously gets louder as the engine is taken higher up the rev range is this normal?, the charger was rebuilt by jabba about 3000 miles ago so im sure it cant be that (but i could be wrong) is it a possability it could be the idler pullys are these something which need replacing often , my car has bone 145000 miles , i dont know whether they are the originals but they look like they have seen some action, i will take them off tomorrow and have a look at them but as i said this is the first time i have looked at this engine and was just wondering if there is anything specific i need to look out for any help would be much appreciated thanks kieran
  16. Hi this may have been talked about before but when you delete the boost return why do people not just route the breather outlet back to the supercharger blanking plate, surly this would solve having to spray lube in every now and again. I am new to the g60 so if im just being dumb please just humour me :)
  17. we have just put jenveys on a 2ltr crossflow from a new beetle, if you buy a complete kit then it wont be to bad to fit but you remember you will get a good base map but still need to have a session on the rolling road after to get it set up , we hare starting from scratch so its many hours on the laptop for us, but its worth it just for the noise :D
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