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About 1980scotland

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  1. hi all, bit of a cf newbie here. Just traded up to a C (1990 16V) after 3 years of golfs. Loving every minute :D . However, just a few things I am not sure about: The MFA tells me I am getting about 25 MPG which seems low to me. In the golf I used to get about 35 on long journeys so is it a common fault for the MFA to have a slight error in its values? I will do a manual check to get a more accurate figure but just wondered if this was a problem. Also, I took the spark plugs out and in 2 of the recesses I found oil on the plug lead and top of the plug. Is it common for the rocker cover gasket to split round here? If not, any ideas what the problem might be? Any help would be appreciated.
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