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Posts posted by The-Mortman

  1. Part finally arrived, thermostat housing comes with rubber seals between the 3 main parts and the bit the connects to the block .. anyone know if you to use any kind of sealant to put it all back together? Or are the rubber seals sufficient?

  2. All thanks for the info, the guide should be easy to follow


    Roger, the part number you gave, it matches a bearing costing over £10 on the simplybearings website, based on your post I assume this is not the correct one?! Are there any numbers missing of that part code?



  3. OK VR6 .. I should've used the search. :D All those part numbers in Grahams responses to you, I take it they are all main dealer parts?! Anyone got any suggestions on cheaper alternatives? I've fallen out with my local VW after they trashed my HT leads doing a service.


    Also anyone know the capacity of the cooling system, I reckon its around the 10 litre mark and was planning to use G12+ or equivalent .. anyone with a more accurate measure?



  4. I have the displeasure of replacing the radiator on my beloved VR6 this weekend. Apart from flushing the cooling system does anyone recommend completing any other worthy maintenance while the slam panel and rad are out? Hoses? Thermostat?



  5. The aux drive belt tensioner (alternator belt) has a habit of making some lovely noises on occasion. I thought it might be the alternator on the way out but after listening I figure its the tensioner. Parts are 70quid (ECP) but how much of a headache is the replacement process? Anyone done it and fancy giving me a blow-by-blow account? I'm no pro when it comes to automotive mechanics so let me know if you think its owrth me doing it or paying for someone else to worry about it?



  6. Joe let me know how it goes .. I reckon I'll have a bash this weekend


    Gavin, thanks nice idea I doubt I'd of thought of that then it would have been too late


    Super, sound advice, thanks.

  7. Not sure this post will help in any way but I have a similar problem 'cept my noise occurs anything left of 15 degrees of center when turning. No noise turning right. Appears to be coming from the passenger foot well but I've never been able to sick my head in there while driving to prove it. Been to VW 4 times now, they claim to of ruled out bearings, brakes, tyres and suspension. The latest is that they are blaming a leak in the power sterring (which they never found despite steam cleaining the underside of the car and checking it after a couple of hundred miles). The noise seems fairly constant not changing too much in pitch with speed. I suspect CV or drive shaft.


    I also have a creak when turning but I've traced that back to a dry joint and knackered boot on a track rod end.

  8. Not being known for my mechanical skills and not being able to buy an idiots guide, could any of you more experienced C owners provide a 'how to ..' on replacing a faulty ABS speed sensor. VW assure me its the near side front thats duff. I have already purchased the offending part from the WWW but could do with a few tips before taking the wheel off (which I assume is the first step .. or do you jack it up first, I can never remember :lol: )


    My C is an M plate VR6 .. if that matters

  9. Phat .. thanks I'll have to try it.


    Joebrent .. no insult, I like people who state the obvious :-P removes the confusion. Yes I had tried that and its still dim.


    StormSeeker .. thanks, I had just found that one myself :oops: doh. I'll try the LED approach I think

  10. Since buying my VR in Dec I have enjoyed driving it .. except for the worlds most annoying squeek from the dashboard. I did check to see if the previous owner had stored his Hamsters in the glove box for safe keeping but no joy. :lol:


    I have therefore concluded that the dash is loose, but appart from the nut that is visible on either side of the dash with the doors open I can't find any other obvious fixings. The squeek seems to be coming from the top of the dash at the back where is meets the windscreen. It takes very little pressure to silence it but short of wedging something in there or ripping it all out I'm not sure what to do next .. any suggestions?


    Also I have a dim display on the heater controls, is this normal or do I need to replace some bulbs? If replacing bulbs any ideas on how to get the facia off?

  11. First off, hello and merry xmas to you all .. its thanks to you guys that I am now the proud owner of a '95 Blackberry Metallic VR6. I am naturally keen to ensure that from here on in it gets the best of care. I wanted to start by making sure that any VW recalls have been duly honured and I can avoid any avoidable nasties lurking in the wings.


    I have surfed world wide wait and found at least one, I have nosed your site and whilst there are mentions here are there, there is no all encompassing list. Therefore can we use this thread to produce said list? Mod Squad, can you shufty any links of relavance into here for us all to peruse? :?:


    I know of the heater matrix but is that the subject of an actual recall? I also know of an issue with the radiator fans but I'm not sure if that was limited to US models only? Head gasket is another favourite but I don't think thats a recall? :?


    If anyone knows of said recalls can they please provide details so I can nip off to my local VW stealer, if poss provide all details required such as subject , recall id/number, model affected etc. I'm sure this info would be useful to other C owners and I think we all know how friendly the local stealer can be when asking if there are any outstanding recalls :twisted:

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