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little corrado

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Posts posted by little corrado

  1. Yes, even if your car is caked in sh*t. My mum lives up a farm road and she use's it on her car. Also once you have applied it once to you car because it leaves this protective film on the bodywork the sh*t wont really stick to it again. I really noticed this on my windsreen once I used No Wet on it bugs dont stick to it again like they used to.


    Blown, I would really like to know your thoughts on why you think I am using this as a free plug. I am a Corrado and Golf owner, I used a product that I was really impressed with and thought I would share my experiences with everyone on this forum and give them the opportunity to try it for themselves. There isn't any money making in it for me.

  2. I still prefer the thought of washing the down gently with some good quailty car shampoo in a warm water to slide the grain and dirt off, and then getting out the polishing cloths.


    Thats exactly it though with washing down with shampoo and a sponge you are just sliding the grain and dirt around the paintwork. With NO WET it emulsifies and dissolves the dirt lifting it clean off the surface and keeping everything locked into the cloth so you are not transfering it back onto the paintwork.

  3. Guys and Girls.


    This stuff has to be the ultimate in car polishes.


    Its called "NO WET".


    As the name probably suggests it is a waterless car wash, wax polish and sealant all in one and it doesn't require any need for buckets, sponges, hose pipes, loads of money spend on different polishes and products......this stuff does the lot.


    NO-WET Waterless Carwash is the revolutionary product of years of research and development. The all-natural formula actually captures and reduces dirt particles and lifts them off the surface of your vehicle. This unique ability prevents scratches, unlike a traditional car wash, which merely grinds in dirt. Use two clean 100% Cotton Terry Towels, one for cleaning and one for buffing. No need for soap, buckets, hoses, or mess. Also, the unique micro-mist pump applicator, with its highly atomized spray nozzle (no fluorocarbons), has universal appeal and application.


    It containes no silicones, no abrasives. Contains UV protectants plus Carnauba Wax and Kaolin Clay. These ingredients provide a very hard film over your vehicles surface to protect against rain, emissions, bugs, tar, road grime, bird droppings and road salt and UV rays.


    Not just for use on cars. Can also be used on motorbikes, caravans, boats I have also used round the house on my UPVC windows and TV screen.


    Great for car shows. Instead of having to take all your cleaning gear with you and go find a tap when you arrive just take your applicator and two cloths with you.


    Honestly I have tried this stuff and wouldn't go back to using anything else on my cars. It saves time and money. The only bad point I would say is that it didn't remove tar spots very well but everything else dried on bugs, bird droppings taken off in one wipe. And no need for really hard rubbing and buffing.


    This product is from America but I have managed to find an importer in the UK. If I can get enough orders together I can sell a 946ml bottle, applicator and two 100% cotton terry towels for £25.00 plus p&p. If used porperly this should work out at just less than £2.00 an application.


    More information can be found on http://www.nowet.com or please feel free to ask me any questions.


    Likewise if you would like to place an order please let me know and we can arrange payment and postal address.


    Many Thanks



  4. Its just a small family run village garage basically but with heaps of seventeen year olds working in the place. He tried to tell me that the guy who did the job on my car was 20 year old, time served mechanic with three years experience??!!

  5. Well none of you have probably heard of the garage but its called Cameron Motors at Cuminestown near Turriff.


    Yeah I got a receipt for the work that they done but come to think of it doesn't actually specify what job was carried out it just says labour and the price (doesn't even say the hours that were spent on it)


    Yeah my boyfriend took the gearbox out of a car we had lying and he does have mechanical knowledge and could have done the whole job but just thought we would use the SO CALLED PROFESSIONALS and get the job done properly and to get the car back as soon as possible (little did I know that it would take over twice as long)

  6. Yeah already contacted the citizens advise and trading standards but again need evidence.


    Im in the Aberdeen area I really think I should just get my car out of there and go to another garage but really p***ed off that Im going to have to fork even more money to out and my car has come out of that garage with more problems than it went in with.


    Cheers for your thoughts.

  7. Just wondered what you guys thought of this..............bit of a long story Im affraid but try to keep it short.


    Basically I own a Mk2 Golf GTi as well put it into the garage I have been using for years to get a new clutch. After a few days of not hearing anything from them I phone them up to see if my car is ready, they tell me that I actually need a new gearbox. Took a gearbox out of a car we have sitting and took it up to them. Again after another week of not hearing from them I phone up. They tell me that the car hasn't started since they completed the job. I tell them this is strange as I use the car everyday and it normally starts fine. Another couple of days pass and he phones to tell me that he thinks its the ECU as its flooding itself with petrol and that he has sent it down to somewhere in Glasgow to get tested. Mean while I go up with two other ECU's (one of which I took off of a running car) and still no difference. Garage was at a blank and so was I so I did I bit of reaserch and found out that it is common for ECU's to blow up after gearbox/clutch work if the earth strap isn't cleaned and put back on properly. Mean while ECU company tell me that my ECU is completly frazzled and 200 quid to fix. I Ok this with the ECU company as I was still confused as to why the other ECU's I had tried hadn't work. I go back to the garage and tell them the story about earth strapps. They are accepting no responsibility for it and not even willing to go halves on the 200 quid. Fuming I contact my solicitors but they weren't interested as they said I needed proof that this is what had happened meanwhile garage phone up and tell me that they have new ECU in and car up and running. (with a big F**k off clean earth strap) all my evidence gone! What do you guys think? Who do think is liable for these costs? As far as I am concerned I didn't put my car into the garage with an ECU problem and it was me that told them what they had done (or hadn't done as the case maybe) The stroy doesn't end there!................ Pay the garage bill in the mean time to get my car back. First time I take it on the dual carriageway and go to overtake at about 70mph and the clutch starts slipping! Discover that over 60-70mph and high rev's the clutch is slipping. Take it back up to the garage, he trys to adjust it but still doing it. He then admits to me that he thinks maybe they have fitted the wrong clutch and to put it back into them. Leave the car with them and a few days later he phones me to discuss the situation. Basically they can go ahead and take the gearbox out again and if the wrong clutch has been fitted he will encouter the costs but beacause I supplied him wih the gearbox and it is a gearbox problem I will be liable. Don't know what to do he has told me as much s**t how Im I to believe that it is a gearbox problem as it is obvious that is what he is going to turn round and say and for that matter how do I know a new clutch was fitted in the first place as he has never showed me the old one. Dont know whether to leave the car with him as its his problem and for him to turn round and say this to me or get it out there quick and take it to another garage for their diagnosis and encur even more costs for the car from them.



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