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Posts posted by Jamesr_vr6

  1. Ahh i see,


    Perhaps easier to bite the bullet and by a vr6 then,


    My overall goal is to by a nice looking raddo/mk2 gti extremely cheapley and slap a low-ish mileage vr6 lump into from a ford MPV that probably hasnt been thrashed as much so then i have the nice classic look but with a relatively reliable engine so it can be my daily commuter.


    But its starting to look like it takes alot of work and would probably be easier to buy a VR6 model and then replace the engine, I spotted a 2.0 raddo in southampton for £300!!! so got me mind working like.


    but we shall see, thanks for the help!!

  2. hiya mate thanks for the reply,


    am in Rugby in the Midlands, tat would be great thank you, i dont wanna buy it to then find it would cost me a shed load to fit a new engine!!


    from what ive read its pretty much a straight swap except a few mods, but im not to bright haha

  3. Hey guys,


    My mates just offered me a mk2 8v gti with a knackered engine for a few hundred notes, the question i'm after is i can pick up a vr6 engine from a ford galaxy for a further few hundred notes, does anybody know a rough price a garage will cost to drop the engine in???


    Also if anyone is clued up enough to draw me up a little list of everything i need for the conversion i would be greatly appreciative, that way i can get the car bought!!


    cheers guys

  4. Dude,


    You know you dont wanna sell it ;)


    I wont have enough funds even when you do come to sell it, i'll be lucky to scrape £2k for my raddo


    Would i be right in saying if you have already fitted the syncro setup and done all the cutting etc etc it would be a relatively simple swap for a haldex unit so the power could be upped a bit more north of 350bhp? as i would be looking for figures alot higher than that and wouldnt see the point in fitting all the syncro kit to then have to replace it.



  5. Dude can i first say i ahve been dreaming about buying my first corrado for weeks now (and its still many months off yet) but you have pretty much done everything i want to do witht he 4x4 covnersion except i will be looking at a R32 engine conversion, but major Kudos for what you have done it really is astonishing.


    I know you have said that you began inexperienced and jsut learnt along the way and got stuck in, but unfortunately i wont have the luxury of that as it will be my daily driver as funds wont allow me to run two cars.


    so my question is, do you know of anywhere you throw a corrado at and they do all this work for you?, if i had the time and the balls i would love to try this myself but i am lacking in both departments!!!


    any help is appreciated :)



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