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Princess Leia

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About Princess Leia

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  • Interests
    Drinking Tea, Diy, Gardening, Starwars


  • Occupation
    Office Bod
  1. ahhh cheers guys sorry about being a bit vauge but to me all it looks like is a big black box that leaks. what exactly does it do then? I had a better look at it and there is a big pipe coming of it and I think it afixes to the supercharger??? am I right in saying this? and does it affect anything else if its leaking then? PL :D
  2. HI people, I was showing some friends my car today and one of them poped the bonnet, to have a look at it all, and pointed out that there is a leak on this big black box that sits at the front of the car. DO any of you know what this is and if it should be leaking. if so how do I fix it??? thanks in advance. PL :D
  3. ok cheers for your input guys. I sort of understand it :shock: it looks like it is quite a complicated unit to make? What type of superchargers do they put on mercs then? is it the same as this? sorry about the million and one questions. and thanks to all who have helped. PL :D
  4. Hi ,On my Corrado G60, I was wondering if someone could explain, in laymans terms, how it all works. I have done a search and come up with a few things but I am still a bit clueless as to its operation. Please talk to me like a little school child as I know nothing about mechanics and I really want to learn about it. Also how loud should my car be it makes a deep low huming sound when driving about normally but when you open her up it kind of sounds like a normal engine is this nomal? bear with me on this I will get it in the end. thanks in advance for all your help. PL :D
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome people, I need to learn more about the Corrado I am a complete idiot when it comes to cars and how they work. Reading this forum has helped me understand a little more. As for naming the car its a bit sad but very funny my wife finds it all very funny anyway. PL :D
  6. is it not like comparing chalk and cheese?? both of them give tottaly diff driving experiances. A friend of mine has a scobby and it is quite a beast when it comes on boost but is no where near as smooth or as balanced as Leia. The VR6 I imagine would give similar performance to the G60 for smoothness????? PL :D
  7. That looks really good 8VG60 is it a Race car? I have heard about brighton speed trials it's on a public road isn't it????? I bet that thing goes some. PL :D
  8. HI peeps just thought I would say hi to you all. I am new to this Corrado lark, I have only had mine about a week or so and I love it to bits so much so I named it Leia ( GEEEEEKKKKKKK). Anyway guys just thought I would say hi to you all. :D :D :D :D PL
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