Hello People,
I recently bought my first corrado. A 94 VR6.
First of all i need help with a couple of possible issues:
When sitting on the drive and sometimes at low speed there is a knocking noise when moving steering a few inches left and then right! this doesnt seem to always happen. It wouls seem that after the car ha sbeen driven, parked, then used again the noise has gone or become so quiet i dont notice?! Any ideas??
Starting my C, she starts, everytime. although i get a real rough start and takes a shor twhile before it fires up with a fairly abrupt noise!! other times it will start as soon as the key is turned or sometimes just fall flat and i get nothing - although after a couple of attempts she starts! any ideas on this one??
my last question, prob the easiest.. COilovers.. I had a search through the forum but found no immediate answer. I was looking at the FK AK's, is anyone running these- whats your thoughts views? is it worth spending the extra couple of hundred on highsports?
Im not the most techy guy.. so any help much appreciated.
Cheers Foggy