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About mand

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  • Birthday 06/03/1964
  1. Aide has bought our vr6 which was the wife's daily drive. Replaced by BMW 120D, remapped. Mand
  2. How long is the longest term of Corrado ownwership that you know of?? We have had our for 16yrs - just sold it to Aide on here. Can anyone beat that ? Not sure we made the right decision in selling it :( . It was very uneasy seeing Aide's carrier driving off in 'our' car, realising that I won't be seeing its beautiful/timeless shape coming round the corner ever again as my wife comes home. But the main thing was the vr6 gurgle - that will be missed - good job I recorded it before it went :) . Anyway, Aide will get the car in Ireland by Sat - been very good dealing with him. He saw the photos I sent him then paid in full but it will be almost 2 weeks later before he gets the car. My son, aged 10, has vowed to buy a Corrado when he's old enough - so we will return to the forum in a few years to see what is for sale. To you all on here - enjoy your Corrado's, they are so special, keep 'em running sweet and on the road. All the best :salute: Mand
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