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Everything posted by keenie

  1. ok great thanks for that, I had already taken the bulb out of the boot light, so more investigation required now
  2. Oh ok, the backlight is not on, this will only come on when the lights are on, but i can see the milage and MFA info on all the time, so it sounds like what your saying is that this is normal.
  3. Yes both the LCD,s are on continously
  4. Yes it on even with the key out 24 hours a day, any ideas on whats causing it, all help appreciated
  5. Hi It might be a stupid question but my milage and MFA LCD displays are on all the time even after ive switched off the car and taken the keys out, is this normal for them to be on continuiously. The battery is also going flat after about 4 days. Thanks in advance for you help
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