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About dadoogie

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  1. Im currently in the middle of fixing it, however common sense has avoided me right now. Andy is right, the taking it out is easy but a squeeze, getting it broken down into parts and cleaned is easy, but, and that's a big but, make sure you remember how to get it back together, make sure the cables run freely in the tubes every step of the way, this means trying the manual wind all the time just to be sure. My current experience has me frantically trying to find why its gone up and jammed hard. I spent all night after i got in from work tonight trying to get the thing working right, two strip downs and its running smooth as butter. Then, just as i thought the day is won the spoiler goes up on the motor and jams at the top, even the manual wind doesn't work. Any advice for this?
  2. Cant really add photos today. But on the back bumper basically, bit of cardboard wrap the camera in masking tape to the peice of cardboard, then secure that down as well as possible. Works pretty good acctually.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RkLsnbdRME Heres my video. Edited by my mate and uploaded by him, he did accompany me and did all the button pressing while i booted it. He's also edited it. They are the best little cameras ever. Edit: Woops added someones vr6 video instead of mine...
  4. Saw a blue corrado in retford parked up at what i would think is home.
  5. sorry i should of refered to my old topic. I bought a new bolt, that is it in the pic. This was from a salvage yard so not quite new, however VW dont stock them anymore. I feel something is missing as the teeth on that nut do not contact with those on the bracket, is soemthing missing? Need a pic of a 2.0 16v altenernator.
  6. I should really post tihs in my previous thread but now im out of ideas. My 2.0 16v alternator adjusting bolt sheared and i've tried to replace it, only it wont reach the notches on the adjuster i have no idea how to fix this. Pics:
  7. Got that bolt but it doesnt reach the notches
  8. It appears the bolt you adjust the alternator belt with has sheared off while driving, now i have the most hellish belt squeel. Where do i find a replacement for this peice.
  9. I have to admit there are a lot of corrados going around notts. I can remember a blue one parking in the city campus car park all the time. Miss seeing it around.
  10. just seen a blackberry VR6 on my way round and abouts near the A1. Was in a colt gave a pip and a wave.
  11. Thought it was about time i posted my corrado, ive owned for a good few months now, taken it to thorsby classic car show and the midlands breakfast club, it does spend most of its time however haunting the peak district. Please ignore any shots that include a broken sunroof, Shawshankkid from the forum helped me fixed that, did a really good job too, will have to post new pictures. Also if anyone is interested in the photos and appreciates the film work, just ask about the photographer i use. He's nottingham based and is normally happy to do photo work of cars, for the time being though he can only do film photography, i recon it looks a lot better though. These photos are un-edited i stole the dvd on which all these photos were.
  12. You're right. Thanks RaddoMan. Time to swap out that throttle body.
  13. I've run into a small snag. While cleaning out my throttle body the what i beleive is the throttle position sensor has falled apart. I've bought a new throttle body and upon trying to connect the two plugs found that the plug on the car side is broken too. I've rung VW and found that theyre none of these around anymore. Solutions please? Pictures as well.
  14. From what i can work out its the tensioner arm, its quite a substantial peice of metal thats snapped off. it's on the side of the belts and pulleys, the powersteering pump hasnt fallen off and the belt hasn't started to squeel. Im still humming and harring about what this peice of metal is, wish i had a picture will try and get one when im home this weekend, could anyone tell me what this thing is? without pictures. Thanks. Edit: Picture might be relevant.
  15. Thats great. Thanks for your help mate.
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