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Everything posted by kerr200

  1. thanks for the responses 875 100 welding displacer. very little if any oil in hose going into tb mfa boost test readings fluctuate from 87 to about 77 idle which im assuming is about right? dont think the power lose has to do with charger of coarse i could be wrong changed the knock sensor already as i read that could cause power lose had no effect.
  2. hello everyone havnt posted in quite a while. hope some one can help me out. my 90 g60 was running great but didnt have any boost so i broke down and removed it and sent it to kk to get it rebuilt. decided to get a stage 4. well when i finally got it back installed it.now i have no power what so ever idles at about 8grand floored in third gear im getting about 5pounds of boost.everything seems to be hooked up right.my question is do i need to readjust something when going from a stock to stage 4 rebuild? :shrug:
  3. could someone tell me where Temperature switch for a/c cutout is located?
  4. thanks for the reply and yes i have tried doing a search for any even remotely like my problem this is what ive found from another forum Just to make it clear on the cars with the sliding heater controls the AC will turn on when you have the heater in defrost and in the first few positions on the slider. When the AC turns on a signal is sent to the ECM to bump the idle to compensate for the compressor kicking in and the fan will also turn on to keep the motor cool. These two speeds are controlled by the fan switch on the lower drivers side end tank on the rad. There is also an after run circuit on the car for the rad fan and for fuel pressure so these can also play with things as well. If the rad fan is coming on after the car is turned off it is probably the rad or fuel after run system kicking in. If you look at one of the brackets that go from the head to the intake you will see a single wire sensor, unplug this sensor and tape over the connector and see if it does it again. That sensor is the temp sensor for the rad after run system and over time they can fail causing the rad fan to come on when the car is turned off.
  5. i found that this is normal on these cars because ac starts when in defrost or the first four positions that are for ac but not in the other to heater positions is this correct? if so im wondering what is the proper temp for the rad fan to come on. does the inside temp gauge have anything to do with this because it can raise above 210 without turning on
  6. having problem with fan coming on as soon as key is turned on before motor even starts. replaced rad fan switch can even unplug switch and it still comes on when i turn key. but if i turn off climate controls inside car it shuts off the fan. what could cause this?
  7. new bts isv radiator fan switch she runs like a top now :clap: yea haw !!!!!!!!! thanks for the advice by the way germanautoparts .com isv $229
  8. is that something you need to take door panel off to do ?
  9. noticed i can unlock door from outside with key on driver but not on pass side does that mean anything?
  11. thanks for the reply and ill do that from now on
  12. if a person unhooked the battery for a few mins would it reset system?
  13. did you ever figure this out mine does the same thing. is there a way to just disable it? running battery down
  14. ive read you can use a bosch o2 sensor for a 89 mustang part number 13942 is this true? has anyone done this
  15. sorry total newbie here could you tell me what loom means ? i am planning on taking it to a shop that works on just bmw vws porsche as soon as the isv gets delivered also getting bts and radiator fan switch. should get new o2 sensor also
  16. hey thanks for the reply mate was wondering if i was going to get any help. turns out talked to a guy at vwparts.com. told him about my problem turns out car has replacement flange with three holes so bts is under the old one was wondering why there was two lol. so hopefully my real trouble is isv and radiator fan switch cause dont think it is wired directly after all :clap:
  17. hello anyone? could use some help here
  18. hello everyone total newbie here just bought 90 g60 got it home. idling high around 1500 rpm or higher checking foroms read about blue temp sensor. well the wiring to mine seems to be gone no wiring laying anywhere and electric fan seems to be wired to run constant how much of a hassle am i looking at know nothing about these cars any help would be appreciated
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