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Posts posted by bjdette21

  1. Sounds like a "legit" service, but at the end of the day they're just collecting your name and address details, and selling you "security" crap. They also offer the dubious level of protection for your details of only allowing "law enforcement agencies, major lost property services and also airport baggage handling organisations across the globe" access to the data. Erm so that's pretty much everyone right? Gee thanks.


    The advantage? If you lose your bag with your keys in, they can find out where your house is to rob you! ;)


    That's better, If you lost any of your property services and even your airport baggage, they will bring back to you, because of the law enforcement agencies. Especially if your thing is very important to you. They sell us a security crap, they level of protection for our details. And it has an advantage, if we lose our bag with our keys in, they can find out where our house is. And they can bring back our things.

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