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Posts posted by ukscotth

  1. Hi,


    Im looking at some wheels on ebay and Im not sure if they will fit my vr6. Heres the info from the auction :


    4 x 100 500kg


    4 x 114.3 620kg


    5 x 100 505kg


    5 x 114.3 690 kg


    17 x 7JJ


    Any ideas ?


    Thanks in advance.



  2. Hi,


    Ive got a new fuel pump to put in my car and I was wandering if its an easy job and if I should do it myself ?


    Anyone done this before ? anything I should look out for when doing it ?





  3. yeah guess il have to just spend the money, shame tho, id nearly be better off selling the wheels and getting a new set. If I could find a set that came with bk bolts id be ok but cant find any and to buy the bolts is £35 alone. Thanks for your help tho. Now all i gotta do is work out why it wont start grrr. I hate cars sometimes :(

  4. Hi,


    My cars been sat for a couple of months while ive been away travelling and now it wont start :( It has a brand new battery and fuel. It turns over but wont fire up. Ive been told the first thing to check is the plugs so I've ordered a plug removal tool. While im waiting for it to arrive is there anything else I can check ? I read somewhere that I shud here the fuel pump when turning the igition on, is that right ? I dont hear any pump noises when I turn the ignition on.


    Any ideas would be most appreciated.



  5. Hi,


    Ive got some BK alloy wheels I want to put on my corrado but Im unsure at what spacers I need. I phoned bk to ask them and he didnt really tell me much apart from saying id probably need 'about' 12mm. Does this mean it doesnt have to be exact ? I dont want to order some and then find out there too small or to big. Also will I need to buy a new set of longer bolts ?





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