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VR6 Lee

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About VR6 Lee

  • Rank
    CF Nutter
  • Birthday 05/23/1977


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  1. Ive just found 1 storm brochure £35 + £5 postage
  2. updated with new prices Need going
  3. PM sent. hopefully you got the PM
  4. Just noticed this let me send you PM
  5. send me an email with your email and ill send the manual and the steering wheel in one go Call it £65 for both posted
  6. Wheel 1 in not so good condition. needs leather replacing as it is pealing off £10 + £10 postage Wheel 2 in ok condition. looks like this has a plastic covering not leather like wheel 1 £25 + £10 postage photos https://www.flickr.com/photos/140918320@N08/shares/LQ3E2v
  7. It looks genuine mate I think you got mixed up, the ones which were replicated were the corrado storm ones without the signatures
  8. Some stuff remaining from my loft clearout VR6 Fusebox with some relays - £15 + £10 postage VR6 ABS Pump - Sent to BBA and came back with no faults £85 + £20 delivery Set of seatbelts - Bought these from ebay as a spare but never used (No photograph of these as they are all wrapped up) £45+ £15 delivery Interior part - Very rare - fits on the dashboard to clear the front window --- very rare £50 + £10 delivery Sealey vr6 spark plug removal tool - £10 posted Rear strut brace (£35 + £20 delivery) De cat pipe (£30 +£20 delivery) Part number on the photo Photos of parts available https://www.flickr.com/photos/140918320@N08/shares/kau067 https://www.flickr.com/photos/140918320@N08/shares/QPB33v Parts can be collected from Manchester or Chester Please email me on leedhulme@googlemail.com PayPal is Leedhulme@protonmail.com
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