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Posts posted by powhound84

  1. finally soemthing i understand. im an installerw/ a high end audio company. if u want simple.. good sound.. w/ no extra amps for your components.. mbquart reference awesoem drivers german made too :D if your pshin a lot of power, mbquart premiums, the alpine flagships are awesome too. focal poly=k's and utopias rock. oh.. and that x-plod sub. sell it. jlaudio. onyl sub worht buying. itl pund the gorund,a dn sound natural at the same time.

  2. I AM CNSIDERIGN THSI CAR.. 92 SLC... 80K. $7200 AMERICAN. seem sliek a rpetty good deal seeign a show its in stock condition and has leather. but i hear that 92slc's have problems. perhaps thats why i see so many for sale, and the 93+'s are so damned expensive? cna anyone confirm or deny this rumor? an dif they do have probs, what are they? are they easily fixed on a limited budget?

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