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Posts posted by macca10

  1. Hmm yes, the legendary Corrado sunroof!

    I'm fairly sure mine has the snapped cable issue as the sunroof panel on slide opens fully but then gets scratched in the centre as it fully opens. Will have to remove the cartridge though and be sure.

    However, I thought I'd also give the motor synch operation a go too, and even that didn't quite go to plan. When the motor is disengaged from the sunroof, I can operate the slide function and sure enough, it starts slow, then speeds up for about 4 secs before running slow again. At this point it should stop? Well, no not in my case, the motor runs through the whole cycle again (and again and again if you let it!)


    Maybe welding that hole in the roof up will save me all the heartache . . .

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